Tobacco Policy
Tobacco, Alcohol or Illegal Presence of Drugs
Rules, Regulations and Expectations
1. Each student athlete will abstain from the use or possession of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, drugs, tobacco, e-cigarettes, advanced personal vapors (APV), and any vaping product. Possession would include alcohol, marijuana, drugs, tobacco, e- cigarettes, advanced personal vapors (APV), and any vaping product being found in a car, locker, backpack or any personal items belonging to that student athlete.
2. Students/athletes will not attend questionable functions where liquor, tobacco, e- cigarettes, advanced personal vapors (APV), any vaping product, marijuana, drugs or narcotics are being served or consumed. Being in the presence of drugs, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol constitutes a violation of athletic policy. Attendance at questionable events will result in misrepresentation of PHS student athletes and how they should behave and what events they should attend. That person needs to remove him/herself immediately from the premises or be subject to an ACC violation.
Penalty for Violation of Alcohol and Tobacco
The consumption, possession, or transmittal of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products (including APVs and any vaping products), in any form by a student athlete is illegal and is prohibited. Violations of these expectations will be addressed through a four-step process.
Step One:
A. Assessment and Compliance or 25% Suspension.
The student will be suspended from the sport until they receive an assessment from a prevention intervention specialist and must comply with the professional’s recommendation in order to re-enter the activity. The Athletic Director or designated discipline officer will reserve the ability to suspend the student for some portion of games less than 25%.
If the student does not seek an assessment, they will be suspended for 25% of the current sport season. If less than 25% of the season remains, then the remaining percentage of the suspension carries over to the next sport selected by that student. The student athlete must participate (practice only) in the selected sport for the entire duration of the suspension or the suspension will not count and will continue to carry over to the next sport selected. If the student athlete attends a game or event during the time of the suspension, he/she must be under the direct supervision of the coaching staff . This means being with the team and coach pregame, during the game on the bench, and post game in the locker room until players are dismissed.
The suspension may increase to 50% if the student is found lying and impeding the process of the investigation. The student will have opportunity to tell the truth early in the investigation and needs to do so to avoid losing an additional 25% of the season.
This information will remain confidential and the details may be shared with school officials, if necessary. Any cost associated with assessment and/or counseling shall be borne by the student and/or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s).
B. The student athlete will forfeit athletic awards including team awards, all league nominations & the removal from leadership (captain) positions. The student athlete may still qualify to receive a letter and/or scholar athlete award (current season only).
Step Two:
A. Suspension for 50% of the current or next sport season. If less than 50% of the season remains, then the suspension carries over to the next sport selected by that student. The student athlete must participate (practice only) in the selected sport for the entire duration of the suspension or it will not count and will continue to carry over to the next sport selected. If the student athlete attends a game during the time of the suspension, he/she needs to be under the direct supervision of the coaching staff. This means being with the team and coach pregame, during the game on the bench, and post game in the locker room until players are dismissed. The suspension may increase to 100% if the student athlete is found lying and impeding the process of the investigation. If a student athlete elects to participate in a sport in which they normally do not participate (so the penalty will not affect a sport they do care about), the student athlete must adhere to the following conditions:
The student athlete must participate in the selected sport the entire season of the suspension while attending all practices and not playing in any games.
The student athlete must end the season in good standing. If not, then the suspension will carry over to the next selected sport. If the second violation occurs in the same season that the first violation occurred, the student athlete will be immediately removed from the team and the remaining percentage will be applied to the next selected sport season.
B. Referral to a drug and intervention professional for re-assessment. The student athlete must comply with the professional's recommendation in order to be reinstated. This information will remain confidential and the details, if necessary, may be shared with school personnel.
C. The student athlete will forfeit all athletic awards including team awards, all league and state nominations, lettering and scholar athlete recognition (current sport season only).
Step Three:
A third violation results in an athletic suspension of up to one calendar year (365 days). During this suspension period, the student athlete may not participate in any athletic events (practice or play). This student-athlete will have the opportunity within this time to prove to themselves, parents and coaches that they are serious about being reinstated into the athletic programs of PHS. This would include compliance with substance abuse programs, negative drug tests and exemplary behavior at school and school related activities. If this can be documented, then application to be re-instated into athletic activities may take place. If the student athlete unsuccessfully proves their seriousness prior to the close of the 365 day period, then she/he will be eliminated from further participation in Prescott sponsored athletics.
Step Four:
The student is eliminated from further Prescott athletic sponsored events.
APPEALS: Disciplinary actions under this policy may be appealed. The superintendent or his appointee will hold appeals. The appeal may result in:
Upholding the discipline
Removing the discipline
Modifying the discipline
Penalty for Violation of DRUGS
Each student athlete will abstain from the use or sale of legend drugs (obtained through prescription) and other controlled substances. Penalties for the possession, use or sale of legend drugs (drugs obtained through prescription) and controlled substances shall be as follows:
1st Violation of Legend Drugs or Controlled Substances including Marijuana
A participant shall be immediately ineligible for interscholastic competition in the current interscholastic sports program for the equivalent of one complete sport season. Ineligibility shall continue for the equivalent of one sport unless the student accesses the assistance program outlined in B (below). The student athlete will also not be allowed to practice during the duration of this suspension from athletic participation.
A. The student athlete will forfeit all athletic awards including team awards, all league and state nominations, lettering and scholar athlete awards (current sport season only).
B. In order to be eligible to participate in the next interscholastic sports season, the student athlete shall meet with the school eligibility board consisting of three coaches (selected by the Athletic Director) to request approval to participate. The school eligibility board will recommend to the superintendent appropriate action to be taken in the student athlete’s case. The school superintendent shall have the final authority as to the student athlete’s participation in the interscholastic sports program.
C. A participant who seeks, and receives help for a problem with use of legend drugs or controlled substances and controlled substance analogs shall be given the opportunity for assistance through community agencies. In no instance shall participation in a community approved assistance program excuse a student athlete from subsequent compliance with this regulation. However, successful utilization of such an opportunity or compliance with athletic code by the student athlete may allow him/her to have eligibility reinstated in the athletic program, pending recommendation by the school eligibility board . In order for the eligibility board to reinstate the athlete for competition, school officials must be notified with the results from the drug and intervention specialists’ evaluation.
2nd Violation of Legend Drugs or Controlled Substances
A participant who again violates any provision shall be ineligible for interscholastic competition for a period of one (1) calendar year from the date of the second violation. Before reinstatement a student athlete must seek a referral to a drug and intervention professional for re-assessment. The student athlete must comply with the professional's recommendation in order to be reinstated. This information will remain confidential and the details, if necessary, may be shared with school personnel.
A. The student athlete will forfeit all athletic awards including team awards, all league and state nominations, lettering and scholar athlete awards.
3rd Violation of Legend Drugs or Controlled Substances